Limit Free Life With Michelle Perkins



a coaching and personal development company, to help men and women create financial prosperity and freedom while doing work they love. Limit Free Life offers coaching services including: career transition coaching, reinvention at all stages of life, and working with entrepreneurs to improve business acumen, management and leadership skills so they create profitable businesses they love . A special focus of my work is lifting barriers to success by uncovering underlying money beliefs, illuminating whats driving money behavior, and paving the way for a better relationship with money and increased wealth.


  • EP 128: Financial Advice for Millennials and Their Money

    22/04/2024 Duración: 44min

    CEO of Limit Free Life®, Michelle Perkins hosts guest, Shari Rash,  the Founder of GWA Wealth, a virtual financial advisory firm that helps millennial and gen x families address financial challenges in a fun, comfortable, no-nonsense way. She is a Financial Advisor, the host of "Money CHIC" podcast and author of "Insider's Secrets about Women and Money."We talked about the challenges millennials face, such as high housing costs, student loan debt, and how emotions play a key role in financial decisions. Topics like buying a home, retirement planning, student loans, and the importance of talking about money were discussed. Shari emphasized the need to remove emotions from money decisions, using money as a tool to achieve financial goals. The discussion highlighted the importance of flexibility, understanding where to invest money, and making money conversations approachable and fun. The podcast aimed to provide practical advice and insights to help listeners improve their relationship with money and make bette

  • Episode 127: Motivators, metrics, and money

    15/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    Episode 127: Motivators, metrics, and money 

  • Episode 126: Income Generating Skills for the Future

    08/04/2024 Duración: 22min

    Michelle Perkins shares ways to future-proof yourself in our changing world. She talks about the  importance of developing future job skills. The discussion focused on various skills such as AI, sustainability, social media, communication, and trade-related skills. She emphasized the need to understand and improve financial skills as a crucial aspect of personal and career development. Her company Limit Free Life® was created to help people to live their best work lives and find more than money from their work. Staying on top of the ever changing job landscape will keep you able to find or create work you love.The podcast highlighted the significance of staying up to date with evolving trends in the job market to remain competitive. Michelle also mentioned the importance of having a better understanding of one's financial situation to make informed decisions about career choices and earning potential. Overall, the podcast emphasized the importance of continuously upgrading skills, including financial literacy

  • Episode 125: five Money Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

    01/04/2024 Duración: 30min

    Episode 125: five Money Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid 

  • Ep 124: Navigating The Intersection of Money and Life

    25/03/2024 Duración: 36min

    Episode 124: Navigating The Intersection of Money and Life

  • Ep 123: Hiding In Plain Sight: The Right Job and Candidates

    18/03/2024 Duración: 50min

    Ep 123: Hiding In Plain Sight: The Right Job and Candidates

  • Ep 122: Sexy Money Topics Where you Last Expect Them

    11/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    Ep 122: Sexy Money Topics Where you Last Expect Them

  • EP 121 How To Get Started: Passive Income Investing

    05/03/2024 Duración: 49min

    EP 121 How To Get Started: Passive Income Investing

  • EP 120 Living Free Financially

    26/02/2024 Duración: 50min

    Episode 120: Living Free Financially

  • EP 118 Gaining Tax Advantages For Student Athletes and Entrepreneurs!

    12/02/2024 Duración: 41min

    EP 118 Gaining Tax Advantages For Student Athletes and Entrepreneurs!

  • EP. 117 Romance and Finance with Kathryn Alice

    06/02/2024 Duración: 43min

    EP. 117 Romance and Finance with Kathryn Alice

  • EP 16 Navigating Tricky Financial Dialogues

    29/01/2024 Duración: 18min

    EP 16 Navigating Tricky Financial Dialogues

  • EP 114 Fresh Start Finance: Navigating Your Financial Goals in the New Year

    15/01/2024 Duración: 22min

    In this podcast episode, Michelle Perkins serves as the host and discusses the importance of reflecting on one's relationship with money and creating a budget for the new year. She encourages listeners to break down their expenses into smaller increments to gain a better understanding of their financial situation. Perkins emphasizes the need to assess past expenses and identify areas where expenses can be reduced or adjusted to align with financial goals. The episode targets individuals who are looking to organize their finances and set financial goals for the new year. It provides practical advice and insights on budgeting and managing personal finances, offering listeners a framework to improve their relationship with money and work towards financial success.Michelle also discusses various financial goals and strategies for the year. She emphasizes the importance of having an emergency fund for financial security in case of unexpected events. Michelle advises listeners to consider other savings goals, devel

  • EP 113 Melody Of Transformation: From Rock to Resilience

    11/01/2024 Duración: 52min

    Michele Blood is a successful, multi-talented and super successful songwriter and rock singer in Australia. After a near-fatal car accident, while in the hospital with many serious injuries, she created positive Affirmation Songs which not only healed her body but also took her to worldwide success. Her songs about being a "magnet for money" are universally loved and we had a great conversation about "thoughts and money" as well as how her music can transform your money relationship.She has been on stage with Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and many of the greats of the transformational, self-development world. These Affirmation songs affect the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Lyrics, the left hemisphere, and melody and music, the right hemisphere so the new, positive messages go straight to the subconscious mind. This is why millions of people worldwide have downloaded her Affirmation Power songs. These songs cover healing, success, money, joy, confidence and they uplift the person immediately.In additio

  • EP 112 Healing Your Relationship with Money with Financial Therapy

    26/12/2023 Duración: 46min

    EP 112 Healing Your Relationship with Money with Financial Therapy

  • EP 111 Navigating To Financial Freedom Through Smart Trading

    20/12/2023 Duración: 52min

    Jason Brown, stock market coach, was a special guest on today's show. He's created financial freedom from very little capital and very early in life. He teaches what he's learned and does it in a way to make it accessible to everyone willing to learn and integrate the knowledge into action.He speaks compellingly about stock trading and options, in a way people can understand. He's making complicated financial trading strategies easier to understand so more people can use these techniques to build wealth. He shares the emotional side of money (check out his podcast - "Money, Markets and Mindset" - I loved episode #135)and teaches how to do an emotional analysis to help you in your financial life. As a stock market coach, he claims that stock trading strategies are for everyone, and how you implement them depends on you and your lifestyle. He goes on to explain, in plain language, how to start, stay in the game and protect yourself from serious losses that he also experienced. Some show highlights:10:14 If it w

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